Exploring Bertone’s Concept Car Design Studio with Benedict Redgrove

Benedict Redgrove’s visit to Bertone’s Concept Car Design Studio was a fascinating experience. The studio is a place of creativity and innovation, where the team of designers and engineers work together to create unique and exciting concept cars. Redgrove was able to observe the process of concept car design from start to finish, from the initial sketches and ideas to the final product. He was also able to see the various stages of the design process, from the initial concept to the final prototype. Redgrove was impressed by the level of detail and craftsmanship that went into each concept car, and the passion and dedication of the team. He was also able to get a glimpse of the future of concept car design, as the team discussed their plans for the next generation of cars. It was an inspiring experience, and one that Redgrove will never forget.